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buy cheap triamcinolone Penelope Fitzgerald thought the world divided into ???exterminators??? and ???exterminatees???. Certainly it divides into controllers and controllees. A typical controllee is someone who is love-dependent; Freud was that once, and swore never to be so again. He was always a controller, and sometimes an exterminator. Martin Gayford and Geordie Greig???s accounts of Freud???s behaviour reminded me at times of two unlikely novelists: Kingsley Amis and Georges Simenon. When Amis???s second wife and fellow novelist, Elizabeth Jane Howard, saw him, at eleven o???clock on the morning he was due to lunch at Buckingham Palace, standing in the garden punishing an enormous whisky, she said, ???Bunny, do you have to have a drink???? He replied (and it was a reply that would have fitted a vast number of other exchanges): ???Look, I???m Kingsley Amis, you see, and I can drink whenever I want.??? As for Simenon, he practised two things obsessively: his art and fucking (though his speed at writing contrasts with Freud???s slowness at painting). Simenon once winningly observed: ???Maybe I am not completely crazy, but I am a psychopath.??? Freud confessed his ???megalomania??? to Gayford, adding that there was a bit of his mind ???that believes, just possibly, my things are the best by anyone, ever???. Amis, Simenon and Freud all had controlling, interfering mothers, which may or may not be relevant.